Saturday, August 6, 2011

An Impression to Last a Lifetime

Last summer I had the opportunity to team teach Summer Technique for Jazz Attitude with my sister-in-law Ashley. We did this because Ashley and John were moving to London and Ashley would not be here to teach the following summer. As July approached this year I became very excited for summer technique, but became very nervous and anxious. I had GIGANTIC shoes to fill and did not want to fall short. Ashley is one of the most beautiful technicians, dancer, artist, and inspiring persons I have ever known. Because of this I felt very inadequate for the job. Thinking about what I was going to do for technique, I reflected on my experience in Jazz Attitude summer technique with Ashley and how I loved it! Ashley was a fantastic teacher, one of my all time favs, she had a huge impact on me as a wee little maturing dancer. I idolized Ashley completely. I thought everything she did (and does it has not changed) was totally cool and awesome. I wanted so much to emulate everything she did and wanted to become an accomplished dancer like she is. Ashley has such a vibrant passion for dance and when she was my teacher I drank in every bit of it. I wanted to emulate everything she did not only in the dance world but in the fashion world as well! Ashley always wore a Baby- G watch. When I think of Ashley in summer technique that is what comes to my mind, her tan sun-kissed skin and her Baby-G. I loved them, I always searched for a watch like it and could never find one. (I did not know at the time what the brand was) Every year, she had a different color. Pink, Turquoise, Aqua....I wanted one terribly but have never gotten or had one. I knew Ashley was not going to be here this summer physically but I did not want to do it alone. So, I got myself a Baby-G and this summer it served as a great memento to the great mentor, teacher, friend and now sister that I have had in my life. I have been very blessed to be taught and mentored by such an amazing woman, not only is she a beautiful and strong dancer but she is a beautiful and strong person. Ashley has taught me to become the best and has inspired me to be the best that I can be. I love her dearly and miss her everyday! Thank You Ashley for leaving an impression that will last a lifetime! Power to the Baby-G!

1 comment:

  1. So I started out laughing my head off and ended up bawling my eyes out. Shimmy Sham, I love you. I never knew that I had an impact on your dancing, fashion, or otherwise. Thanks for this sweet post. You are more than equipped to be teaching this summer and you aren't alone, I am there in spirit, reflected in the watch face of your new and fantastic baby G ;)

    p.s. I tried to get that one online and couldn't :( Glad you got it, it is AWESOME!
