Tuesday, July 5, 2011

A Kindred Spirit!

Since Sheldon and I have been married I have wanted and longed for a close girlfriend. Sheldon has had his friends through video games, frisbee, and school and I had lost contact with a lot of my friends from school. Simply because the lot of them live in Utah County and rarely make the trip out to Salt Lake and vice versa. Since I had stopped going to school I had been left with a void not only from the joy of dancing everyday but also the people I associated with. I missed them and miss them very much still. Even though I keep in touch from time to time with some of them I was still in need of a close friend. I am so grateful for a loving Heavenly Father who knows our needs and fulfills them when we need it the most. For the very first part of our marriage I had become very depressed because I felt sorry for myself and was very selfish for a long time. I feel bad now when I look back at what I had put Sheldon through. I am so blessed that I married a man who loves me unconditionally. I grew tiresome of throwing pity parties for myself and evaluated myself and my attitude towards life. I felt inside of me my spirit change and I felt internally happy and enthusiastic about life again. Danny and Elizabeth Drysdale are our neighbors who live in Heavenly Blue. They were married in October of last year and only four days after they were married they got in a car accident, leaving Elizabeth in the hospital. She had several injuries but one of the worst was a broken pelvis. She was on bed rest and home bound for several months while she went to physical therapy to learn to walk again. Her healing process took time and we did not see them for several months even though they were in the ward. I did not know them at all and I wanted to so I signed up to bring them dinner around February. When I took the food over to the house I immediately felt that we could become great friends with them. Time passed and Elizabeth was still recovering and we did not have any contact. I asked her in May if she would be willing to be one of my backstage helpers for our spring concert. She did so joyfully, I appreciated her willingness to help me out. After that we set up a double date with the four of us and that is what started it all. That night I discovered that Elizabeth and I have a lot in common and share a lot of the same interests. It had been such a long time since I had had that kind of a friendship with someone. I was so excited to have a new friend. When I found out that she loves Anne of Green Gables just as much as I do I dubbed us kindred spirits! For that is what we are. It has been a great blessing to me to get to know Elizabeth and I have enjoyed our friendship and look forward to watching it grow and flourish!

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