Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Baby, You're a Firework!

I love everything about the 4th of July! I love the BBQ's, Fireworks, Patriotic Songs, and Patriotic Fashions. One of Sheldon's family traditions was to attend the Eaglewood fireworks. Since last years 4th of July, Sheldon's family conditions have drastically changed. Sheldon, myself, Granny Great and Shellie are the only ones left here in Utah. All other family members have moved away. So that makes for eventful family parties the four of us! I felt sad as the 4th approached us and I realized we did not have family here to celebrate like we used too. The hardest part for me is I only experienced the Pearson ways for a very short time and it has left me missing family terribly! Sheldon's mom is the queen of parties but she had not thrown a party since St. Patrick's day. To us that is like an eternity! So I asked her if we could have a 4th of July BBQ, I told her I would be happy to help with the food and she said Absolutely!

We invited Danny and Elizabeth (our new found friends who live in heavenly blue) and my brother Zach and a his date Jessica to join us for the festivities and that increased our numbers. The Eaglewood fireworks are so much fun, Sheldon and I tease with one another because the quality of the Eaglewood fireworks to those of West Fest is too painful to bear! We get a good laugh out of that one. The fireworks are held on the Eaglewood golf course and after they are done we have to fight the crowd of people and walk back to the house. One of Sheldon's favorite things to do it to throw pop- its at patrons as they walk by. He is like a 6 ft tall 5 year old and it makes me laugh. Danny and Zach got in on it and they laughed and giggled all the way back to the house. Although, I think it is funny now I am completely terrified that one of these days he is going to throw them at the wrong person and then get the crap kicked out of him! Until then I will just pray that it doesn't happen!

It was a load of fun and it was great to be with everyone, it was a small taste from the past and that made me happy!
Happy 4th of July! I am grateful to live in this beautiful country. We are very blessed to enjoy the freedoms we do and it is something I take for granted way too often, the 4th of July is a good reminder to me that I am proud to be an American!

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